Life Time Free Hosting IdHostinger Indonesia

Life Time Free Hosting IdHostinger Indonesia
Free hosting service of Idhostinger provide solutions for the needs of the developers and prospective major website owners, namely the availability of hosting. Through ownership of hosting, website owners can put HTML files, images, and other files on the internet, so it can be accessed by the public. The larger and a lot of files that need to be uploaded, the greater the need for its hosting capacity. Idhostinger seem to understand it, so it offers the hosting of 2 GB for free to webmasters and bloggers.

Technological features offered standard needs to be sufficient webmasters in general, the support in web programming technologies PHP and MySQL database. Both of these technologies are already known widely used by major websites such as Wikipedia and WordPress. The service of this Hostinger also provides a bandwidth of 100 GB, features site builder, and ensure there are no ads or banners pasted on its website. For consultation and interact with other users, idhostinger also provide a forum page.

Idhostinger be one of the largest web hosting providers in Indonesia. Idhostinger free hosting service is perfect for small websites - personal, community, forums, blogs. More than 90% of their customers were satisfied with this free web hosting service! However, if you have a great website and a lot of visitors and require guarantees uptime and daily backup, you simply upgrade to Premium Web Hosting service or business.

2 GB capacity is offered for free is very interesting. Support web-based technologies PHP and MySQL enough to help the webmasters and bloggers who want to develop a web application or use of the technology most commonly used on the Internet.

Because free hosting service, then the problem server is down, the bandwidth limit is reached so that the web can not be accessed, as well as the guarantee of privacy and web security becomes a factor to be considered potential users. Assurance of the things above is different from a paid hosting service. Maybe a free service offered is more suitable for use as a media test website, or used for the web that is not so concerned factor up time and web security. Because the controls are not entirely in the hands of the website owner, then the owner of the website should be ready with all the risks that may occur.

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